my home & my studio

Misty Morning Fyansford by Brian H Close

step outside and behold the beauty
it brings lightness & brightness into my world
A splash of colour
Palette Playtime

Looks like a good morning for a walk

OK, Archie, let's go!

Wouldn't believe this was done with oils (Nope! I wouldn't either)

Looks like a good morning for a walk
I can quite easily distract myself with a mix of iPhone, Lightroom and painting software
A Challenge For
Back in 'the days' I belonged to LightSeekers
a Geelong Camera Club special interest group.
At one meeting I posed a smart-phone Vs DSLR challenge.
On a helicopter Fyansford flyover I took photos
with both my Canon EOS 550D (8 photos) and iPhone 7+ (7 photos).
Do you think you could pick the camera that took any of the shots?

The point of the exercise was not to get so many out of 15 right, but to make a point ~ it is the camera you have with you that is the best.
Castle Kingdom
Every person’s home is their castle…
The Fyansford Caboodle of Castles gallery comprises photos taken on morning walks around the neighborhood.
During this somewhat depressing time this is a 'personal' act of distraction. I think we live in a wonderful locality and my intent is to look at the neighborhood through different eyes.
Every endeavor has been made to retain some aspect of anonymity (no cars, number plates, house numbers or street names). However, if residents would rather their photo be removed please email “No!” (indicating ‘number’ of photo).

Click first image
A personal perspective
more for family-n-friends
I love the way neighbours take street-appeal seriously
Archie and I find the gardens to be a wonderful distraction.
Apologies to the owner of this lovely home.
Please let me know if you'd rather I not take such liberties and I'll remove the pics

Great to be alive...
Can't help but feel good going on our morning walk
Great way to start the day...

My Silver waves (camellia) loves the back patio

Hard to believe Benny and Abby are now at the University of Iowa

This is the ring-in

My Silver waves (camellia) loves the back patio
Includes a ring-in. Can you spot it?