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or by oneself

I love playing with light & colour

Low LIght (19).jpg
Paris 7O.jpg

whether in a crowd

Paris 6O.jpg

art for me, as an individual, is
          what I bring to it


 photographic art is what I do with it...


Self-portrait (5).jpg

I see the editing process, i.e. extent to which we alter images, as the main point of differentiation between photographers.

I love it when a photographer crosses the boundaries exhibiting characteristics of each group with mastery and flexibility.

Just such a photographer is the amazingly-creative, multi-award winning and internationaly-recognised Michelle Stokie.

The groups are not mutually exclusive...

Many of us specialise, others prefer to generalise.

We photographers all fall generally into three categories: 'happy-snappers' 'naturalists' and 'creatives'.

As I see it...

Anchor 1

While essentially realistic this series of JFimages draws attention to the differing groups.

Click image to view

My friend and fellow photographer, Michelle Stokie, blurs the lines between realistic and creative.

Series One. Gone shearing...

Series Two. Unreal naturalism...

Series Three. Strikingly creative...

Click image to view

Anchor 2

Michelle is forever exploring...

Anchor 5

"a creative never stands still"

orever Explorin



I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Click first image to open

Anchor 3

Those "happy-snap" days

As I was growing up my parents never had a camera. They saw no need for one and besides cameras were expensive. Suddenly, somehow at some stage, I remember a box brownie. I don't know who got. It was just there. But photos had to be snapped (only on special occasions) until the roll of film was filled; taking months or even longer. Then the roll was removed from the camera, placed in the provided packaging and taken to the local chemist (or later - Camera House) for processing. A week or two thereafter we collected the envelope containing the printed photos (initially black and white); not remembering what photos had been taken and not knowing whether they would be blurred, ghosted white or even legible. I can understand mum-n-dad not taking a lot of photos; too many failures. In time I got my own camera only to soon realise it was an expensive hobby. I gave it away.

As pay-days passed and my bank balance improved, I experimented with 35mm transparencies (a box containing thousands of memories is still tucked away in a cupboard waiting for that time-in-retirement when I will have a surplus of time in which to transfer the captured images to my PC), then a Sony 8mm video camera and finally a quality Pentax (still with negatives and paper prints). Developments saw me at a later stage progress through a series of digital cameras; each getting more and more elaborate. I became an enthusiastic amateur photographer.

However, it wasn't until my sixties that I was introduced to the mind-blowing world of photo-editing. It was after joining a U3A photographers group that I underwent a personal paradigm shift in thinking; the concept of post-photography editing changed everything. Thus I entered the world of creative photography where images could not only be improved and modified but creatively changed... Magic!


As I progressed though the LightSeekers (a Geelong Camera club special-interest group), I was introduced to real 'creatives'; thus coming to realise the potential of digital photography. I finally developed the confidence to leave the group and focus more on my own interests; writing /creating / self-publishing / web-site development. My next leap occurred as I moved into smart-phone photography; particularly when, at one LightSeekers session, I threw  out the challenge  - separate the DSLR and iPhone  photos. A task that could not be done consistently - even by these knowledgeable enthusiasts.

"Them was me 'happy-snappin' days," says I.


Click image to view

Post-U3A days...

My discovery of editing software and smartphone photography


Click image to view

Personal Explorations...

Anchor 4


My Bing collection of images is personally inspiring creative exercise.

While the photographs are totally real and naturalistic, enhanced editing has been masterfully achieved; thus achieving immediate recognition and maximum impact. This has not involved great changes to the physicality of the image which I think remains not-necessarily true to the original scene.






To watch:

  • a video-gallery of Bing images click here.

     Sit back, relax and, perhaps, enjoy.

Anchor 6

2022 JFimages Distractions

Good morning,sunshine!

Anchor 7

Beauty in my everyday world

Mary Moments







Anchor 8

AI Distractions that highlight the breadth of explorations possible

JFimages AI Fun-Time #1

JFimages AI Fun-Time #2

Selections to show what is possible (not mine)

In the Readings Theatre Foyer


Just playing with

old Google Docs files...

The Saraband.jpg

Tall Ships Race


are for resharing 
with ourselves and others

Daily detours
en-route to Christmas 2023

On a stroll with Mary
(not quite the usual Archie's Walk)

Words of love...

How come...?

Reaching out...

Dragons Beware!

3 days, Mary


Mary, my sweetheart

I promise you...

25 hours a day...

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